Wednesday, August 22, 2012

God Might Send Me To Africa

Have you ever heard a Christian say something like, "I can't commit to be a missionary – God might send me to Africa!" Despite the spiritual and physical needs of billions of people on six out of seven continents, everyone worries they may be called to Africa.

(Why six continents? Antarctica's population is zero - I looked it up. A few thousand researchers live there though and they need Christ as well. So maybe I should have said all seven continents.)

Anyway, I'm thinking about African missions today because a member of the Grow Barefoot team leaves today for a short-term mission trip to the scorching sands of the northern half of Africa. He's not only a member of our ministry team, however. He also happens to be my husband, Jimmy. He is leading a team of men to install solar panels for some friends who serve there permanently. You might remember them – she guest blogged on here a few months ago. Her article was I Was on the Inside.

I have a few reasons to share this with you today.

First, this is one example of Grow Barefoot's current expansions. Up until now, Grow Barefoot has been a teaching ministry. We teach God's Word through writing and speaking opportunities. That isn't going to change but we're adding a new focus. Learning God's Word doesn't mean much if you don't put action to your knowledge. As Grow Barefoot expands, we will be providing more opportunities for people to add action to their faith. In the past we have helped to grow – now we will also equip to go.

Second, hopefully we will have many posts over the next couple of weeks as they report back on their trip. This will all be limited to the technology availability in their remote village but I hope to be able to share with you as much as possible. Be watching for these upcoming posts. Even better, subscribe to this blog to have posts automatically delivered to your inbox. The box to do so is at the top right of this screen.

Third and final, please pray for our friends, my husband and his team, and the people in the village where they are working. Satan fights a fierce battle but Jehovah Nissi conquers all.

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