Thursday, February 23, 2012

Trusting God For...

Those who know me well know I'm a list-maker. Grocery lists. Errand lists. Long-term project lists. To-do lists for each of my girls, my ministry, our home school, and housecleaning. Sometimes I even make a honey-do list for, well, my honey.
Since my recent trip to Haiti, however, I have been living a different life. I haven’t made a single to-do list since I’ve been home. I've tried to trust God in all things for several months. I realize now that I had trusted Him for most things, but not all things. Conviction started surfacing regarding my schedule and how I spend my time. List-making was a way of controlling my time, my stress level, and my fear of forgetting something. List-making was a way of not trusting God.

So now, I’m trusting God for every
  • Breath I take
  • Dollar I spend
  • Bite I eat
  • Step I take
  • Task I do
  • Word I speak
  • Moment I live
Knowing each was given to me for a reason and a purpose.
Talk to me: What is God calling you to trust Him for today?

This is a follow-up to an article I wrote a few weeks ago, Get the Work Done.