Thursday, January 19, 2012

Husbands and Wives: Loving as Jesus loves the church

I am pleased to introduce the first guest blogger on Grow Barefoot! The last seven articles have been about my recent mission trip to Haiti. Well, it turns out God was busy on the homefront as well. My husband, Jimmy, wrote the following post and asked me to share it with you...

My wife left on January 2 for a mission trip to Haiti Home of Hope, a mission orphanage we support through our church. Throughout the months leading up to the trip we discussed whether or not she should go. She wanted to, but she also wanted my blessing. As with most things of this magnitude, I went to the Lord in prayer for direction, comfort, and affirmation this was something we should do. The answer came with ease and comfort. I went to Kathi to tell her it would be great for her to go. As the trip neared and plans were made, it became more and more evident that this was God’s plan and that she was to go.

As a “husband we are to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” (Ephesians 5:25). I don’t know about you, but that kind of sacrificial love is really hard for me. In this particular example, to love my wife was to let her go on this trip. Better yet, I have learned something in her absence. It wasn’t that she is an amazing wife and mother; I knew that already. It wasn’t that I had to take care of the house and our four girls with the help of my parents and Kathi’s dad.

It is this: LOVE. I learned more about Christ’s love for us and its impact on our relationship. Our bond is strong because of God and our commitment to Him and each other.

I was not able to talk to her for the seven days she was out of the country. As a husband, the first five days were gut-wrenching. I missed my wife. I constantly thought of her, wondered how she was doing, and longed to hear her voice. Looking back, I think maybe I was able to feel a little of how Christ must feel when we don’t communicate or talk to Him. We must, as husbands and as Christians, talk to Jesus Christ. We must communicate with the Lord to allow our household to function properly.

When I was able to finally talk to Kathi, I cried at the sound of her voice on the other end of the phone. The communication line was back open. As husbands we must communicate with our wives, just as we must communicate with Christ. We are to imitate Christ in our relationship with our wife. If we do that to the best of our ability we can transform ourselves and we can transform our marriage. Love.

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church,
his body, of which he is the Savior…
Husbands, love your wives,
just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
Ephesians 5:23, 25

1 comment:

  1. Well, I couldn't type until I blew my nose! Beautifully done Jimmy and I know Kathi must have been happy to see you too. Congrats on being the first guest contributor!
